10 Steps to a Career Change

10 Steps to a Career Change

10 stepsto a career changeUndertaking a career change may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to.  This ebook breaks everything down into 10 simple steps so you can understand why you feel stuck – and make that change.


10 Steps to a Career Change is a powerful little ebook that captures the essence of individual counseling sessions.  Each of these steps are very important. They can be taken in any order, but take them.  Don’t just let this book sit on your shelf.

These 10 steps can be done in a weekend, and are at the core of what you need to get heading in the right direction – today. Don’t delay!  Make that change – this ebook shows you how.

Good luck and happy career changing!


***NOTE:  To download the book, follow the link “Return to the www.julielacroix.com website” and you will be redirected to the download page.***